
Crème Fraiche Coconut Bavarians


Ingredients: 11/2 tbsp. Gelatin,4 tbsp. Coconut milk,1-14 oz. can Sweetened condensed milk,1 cup Coconut milk,½ cup Sugar,4 Egg yolks,1 pkg. Alouette Cuisine Crème Fraiche,7 oz. Shredded coconut (toasted if you prefer)

  1. Combine gelatin with 4 Tbsp. coconut milk to bloom.
  2. Bring condensed milk and remaining coconut milk to a simmer in a saucepan over medium-high heat.
  3. Whisk sugar and egg yolks well.
  4. Add a small amount of heated liquid to the egg yolk mixture to temper andcontinue whisking.
  5. Slowly pour egg yolk mixture back into heated liquid and heat until mixture coats the back of a spoon while continually stirring 5-7 minutes.
  6. Remove from heat and add gelatin.
  7. Pour entire mixture into a bowl and refrigerate until mixture begins to gel.
  8. In a separate bowl whip Alouette Cuisine Crme Fraiche to a soft peak.
  9. When refrigerated mixture begins to gel, fold together with the whipped Alouette Cuisine Crme Fraiche and immediately pour into your desired molds.
  10. Refrigerate overnight.
  11. To serve, remove from mold and cover the Bavarians with the shredded coconut.


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