
Fallen Chocolate Cakes With Spanish Paprika


Ingredients: 4 ounces (115 g) semi-sweet baking chocolate,1 pinch of pimentón (Spanish paprika),4 ounces (115 g) unsalted butter,2 eggs,1 egg yolk,1/4 cup (50 g) sugar,1 pinch of salt,1 tablespoon (8 g) flour

  1. Butter and flour four individual custard cups or ramekins.
  2. Saut the pimentn in the butter over low heat until butter is melted.
  3. Add the chocolate and continually stir until it is melted.
  4. Remove from heat and set aside.
  5. In a mixing bowl, beat (using a hand beater) the sugar, eggs, egg yolk, salt until the mixture has nearly tripled in volume. It should be light yellow and much thicker than when you started.
  6. Pour the melted chocolate mixtures over the egg mixture. Then scatter the flour on top of that and gently fold it all together until the batter is uniform in color.
  7. Pour the batter into ramekins. At this point you can either cover them with plastic and refridgerate for up to 8 hours, or bake right away.
  8. When ready to bake, preheat the oven to 400 F (220 C) and bake for 12-13 minutes. The cakes will still be a bit wobbly in the center when you take them out.
  9. At this point you can either invert the cakes onto plates or serve them in the ramekins (which is what I prefer to do).
  10. Serve with either fresh whipped cream or vanilla icecream.


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