
Baked Indian Spice Chickpea


Ingredients: 1 can chickpeas,3 tbsp olive oil,2 tsp curry powder,1 tsp ground ginger,1/2 tsp ground coriander,1/2 tsp ground cumin,Sea salt (to season)

  1. Preheat oven to 350F.
  2. Rinse chickpeas thoroughly.
  3. Remove skins of chickpeas (spices will stick better).
  4. Set chickpeas aside to dry.
  5. Meanwhile, in a medium bowl mix together spices and oil.
  6. Add dried chickpeas to bowl and toss until an even coat of seasoning has covered the chickpeas.
  7. Pour chickpeas onto a lined baking sheet and spread evenly.
  8. Stirring occasionally, bake for 40 minutes or until desired firmness is achieved.
  9. Toss in sea salt.
  10. Cool and serve! Enjoy within the same day.


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