TipWhy Do We Celebrate Christmas on Dec. 25?
There are several reasons Christmas is celebrated on Dec. 25. The date is nine months after March 25, a day recognized by Christians as Annunciation. It was the day Mary was told she would was having a baby. The nine months that follow are an approximation of Jesus’ birth. Dec. 25 also coincides with pagan Winter Solstice celebrations like Saturnalia’ and Dies Natalis Solis Invicti. Since they were historically celebrated around that time of year there was precedent for holiday festivities during this time of year.
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Next: What Does the Name ‘Christmas’ Mean and What Is the Meaning of Christmas?
TipWhat Does the Name ‘Christmas’ Mean and What Is the Meaning of Christmas?
Christmas is a shortened from the words “Christ’s mass.” It’s derived from the Middle English word “Cristemasse” which has Greek, Hebrew and Latin origins. Christmas is an annual holiday that honors the birth of Jesus Christ. It is celebrated by Christians around the world and is regarded as an important religious and cultural holiday.
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Next: How Can We Celebrate Christmas?
TipHow Can We Celebrate Christmas?
Christmas is traditionally celebrated in many ways and celebrations vary across cultures. In the days leading up to Christmas, people usually put up special decorations including colorful lights and evergreen trees. Gifts are often placed under the tree and exchanged on Christmas day among loved ones. Large meals are also typically served as part of the celebration as well.
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Next: Why Do We Celebrate Christmas on Dec. 25?
A highball is any spirit served with a carbonated beverage over ice. The origin of the term highball is about as difficult to pin down as a champagne bubble. New York bartender Patrick Duffy claimed to have invented it in 1895, and since no one has challenged him, he holds the title. A random poll in most bars would indicate that people have no idea what a highball is—yet it is right in front of them. Scotch and Soda, Gin and Tonic, Coolers, Daisies, and so on are all highballs. A highball is primarily any alcoholic drink meant to refresh. The highball is served in a highball glass, but that goes without saying. Mixing the drink into an old-fashioned glass makes it a lowball. “Build” the drink in the glass by slowly adding ingredients one at a time. Avoid overstirring freshly opened carbonated beverages. A flat highball is a foul ball. See also our Americano Cocktail—the American Highball.
- 1 ounce whiskey
- 5 ounces cold ginger ale
- Twist of lemon peel
- 1Pour the whiskey into a chilled highball glass over ice. Add ginger ale to fill; then garnish with lemon peel.
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