Ingredients: Gnocchi,5 beets cut into quarters,1 teaspoon olive oil,s&p,cup goat cheese,1/4 cup ricotta,1/2 cup flour,1 striploin steak,Butter Sauce,1/4 cup shallot diced,1/4 cup butter,1 teaspoon fresh thyme minced,handful of chopped walnuts
- Cooking beets
- Heat oven to 400 degrees
- Wash beets.
- Cut into quarters.
- Toss and coat well in a bowl with olive oil and s&p.
- Place beets on baking dish.
- Roast in oven for about 1/2 hour or until you can pierce the beets easily with a fork.
- Assembly
- Put large pot of water on to boil gnocchi.
- Mash or puree the roasted beets well in a bowl.
- Add goat and ricotta cheese.
- Add flour and stir.
- If necessary add more flour until the dough is just dry enough that it does not stick to the bowl and holds together. You want to be very careful about how much flour you add. If you are heavy handed with it, your gnocchi will be heavy.
- Place dough on floured surface.
- Roll out into long thin logs.
- Cut logs into 1/2 inch sections.
- When your pasta water is boiling salt it well and then add gnochhi in small batches.
- Remove gnocchi when they float to the surface of the water (about 30 seconds)
- Saute cooked gnocchi
- Heat small saute pan with a little olive oil.
- In small batches saute the gnocchi about 20–30 seconds on each side.
- Steak
- Striploin steak
- Pat dry with a paper towel
- Season with s&p
- Saute over medium heat about 3 minutes on first side and 2 minutes on the second for rare.
- Let rest for 10 minutes.
- Slice to serve.
- Butter Sauce
- Melt butter in small pot or pan over medium low heat.
- Add shallots and saute until softened (2 minutes).
- Add thyme.
- Continue to cook until butter gains a slightly darker colour.
- Toss the gnocchi in sauce.
- Reserve some to drizzle over steak on plate.
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