
Braised Steak


Ingredients: 1 slc Bacon,Bouquet garni,1 Carrot,1 stk of celery,4 piece of chuck steak,1 tablespoon Hot fat,1 large onion, cut into 1-inch dice,Potatoes and vegetables as required.,Seasoned Flour,Seasoning,1 cup Brown stock,1 Turnip

  1. Pressure cooking time 12 minutes
  2. Toss meat in seasoned flour, shaking to remove surplus. Prepare vegetables, bacon and strain off surplus fat.
  3. Pour in stock, stir well, and add the seasonings.
  4. Lay meat on top. Cook for 6-7 minutes, reduce pressure with cold water, and cover.*
  5. Add in a separate container the potatoes and green vegetables, cut to cook in 4 minutes. Cook for the remaining time and reduce pressure with cold water, and cover.*
  6. Add in a separate container the potatoes and remaining time and reduce pressure with cold water.
  7. Serve<*This recipe obviously uses two extra steamer like baskets, which I don't have - but again, you can manage without.


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