Ingredients: 2 ½ Tbs balsamic vinegar,1 Tbs fresh thyme, crumbled,1 clove garlic, finely chopped,½ tsp ground pepper,4 Tbs milk,1 pinch nutmeg,1 Tbs olive oil,2 Tbs olive oil,2 Tbs grated Parmesan cheese,2 pork chops,4 medium potatoes, cubed,½ tsp salt,Salt and freshly ground pepper
- With a sharp knife, make several incisions in the meat. Rub pork chops with salt, pepper and thyme.Brown the pork chops in olive oil over medium heat for about 3 minutes on each side.
- Add balsamic vinegar to the pan, simmer for 2-3 minutes or until the sauce slightly thickens.
- Remove the chops from the pan, set aside and keep warm.
- Add 2 tablespoons water to the sauce, stir until smooth.
- Pour sauce over the pork chops, serve with hot mashed potatoes and a salad.Mashed potatoes with Parmesan cheese
- Cook potatoes in salted water for about 10-15 minutes.
- Drain.MWC: put the potatoes, with one cup water into the microwave safe dish, cover and cook 8 minutes on Max.
- Drain.Mash the potatoes.Stir grated cheese into milk over low heat.
- Add nutmeg and garlic.Blend in olive oil, stir and combine.
- Add the mixture to the mashed potatoes, mash some more until smooth.
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