
Easy Eggplant Parmesan


Ingredients: 3 tablespoons olive oil,1 onion, chopped,1 garlic clove, minced,1/2 jar pasta sauce,1 1/2 pounds eggplant, sliced,2 cups bag of Italian Style Cheese,1 cup basil leaves, chopped

  1. Put the eggplant on a baking sheet and brush with olive oil.
  2. Place under the broiler until soft.
  3. Remove and allow to cool.
  4. Meanwhile, heat the sauce in a small saucepan.
  5. Heat the remaining oil and cook the onion for 5 minutes. Then add the garlic and cook for an additional minute.
  6. Add the onion and garlic to the sauce.
  7. Arrange the eggplant across the bottom of a 8 x 6 baking dish and then scatter cheese on top. Repeat layers until you run out of eggplant. Finish off with sauce, basil and remaining cheese.
  8. Bake for 40 minutes and 37
  9. Optional: If you prefer you can fry the eggplant in a bit of olive oil. Then, soak up oil on a paper towel.


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