
Scallops On Artichoke Bottoms In Tahini Sauce


Ingredients: 1 pound of frozen artichoke bottoms (or can),3 ounces of fresh lemon juice (one large lemon),olive oil as needed,1 large onion, sliced,chopped parsley as a garnish,black pepper and salt to taste,1/2 pound sea scallops,4 ounces of tahini,4 ounces of water

  1. Boil or steam artichoke bottoms and set aside
  2. Heat olive oil and brown the onion slices
  3. Collect the onions and place into artichoke bottoms
  4. Sprinkle spices on scallops and sear in skillet on both sides and set aside
  5. Add tahini and lemon juice and add some water to smooth the sauce
  6. Place the sauce in the artichoke bottoms and bake 15 minutes
  7. Add the scallops and bake 3 minutes and serve


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