
Simple Garlic Pasta


Ingredients: 2 whole dried chili pepper,3 cloves of garlic (minced),3 tablespoons olive oil,1 teaspoon Himalayan or sea salt, to taste,100 grams Spaghettini (thin spaghetti)

  1. Important: timing is everything
  2. Start with boiling water in a large pot.
  3. Add generous amount of sea salt to the boiling water so that you can actually taste a bit of salt in the water. (you are making your pasta flavored with the salt water)Put spaghettini in the water and boil for 7 minutes
  4. While you are boiling the spaghettini, mince the garlic
  5. Have a frying pan heated up (med-low heat) with olive oil and chili pepper after 4 miniutes of boiling pasta.
  6. Put the garlic in the pan. it's almost like you are deep frying the garlic than pan frying it. you have 2-3 minutes to make the garlic cripsy golden brown.After 7 minutes of past boiling, put the pan in high heat, then scoop a 2 tablespoons of the salty boiling water and pour it to the pan (still heated) – you'll see a bit of steam coming out…this helps the past to stay warm
  7. Quickly take the pasta out of the pot, drain it, and dump it in the pan and quickly mix it…and you are done!


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