Gluten Free

Spicy Coconut Curry With Peppers, Pak Choi and Tomatoes


Ingredients: 1 cup coconut cream,1 tomato,1 green pepper,3 cups of pak choi,1/2 an onion,2 tablespoons chilli paste,2 tablespoons green chutney,2 teaspoons of sugar,1 teaspoon of coconut oil,1 cup water

  1. Chop up the tomatoes, pak choi, onion, and peppers into bite sized portions.
  2. In a wok, heat the oil and saute the onions.
  3. Add the chilli paste and green chutney paste.
  4. Add the coconut cream and the water after a couple of minutes and see that no lumps are formed.
  5. Let it simmer away for 15-20 minutes.
  6. Have a taste test – if its too hot, add sugar to temper it down.
  7. Add the chopped veggies and turn off the gas.
  8. Let the veggies soak in the curry for 5-10 minutes.
  9. Serve with plain boiled rice.
  10. Pix at


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