
Zucchini Chicken Omelette


Ingredients: 3 Eggs,1 tablespoon Water,150 grams Zucchini, grated,Salt and pepper to taste,1 tablespoon Oil,80 grams Milanese chicken left over, diced

  1. Beat eggs and water in a bowl.
  2. Mix in grated zucchini and season with salt and pepper.
  3. Heat the oil in a small, non-stick skillet. When hot, add half the egg mixture and cook for 1 minute until the egg begins to set. Scatter evenly with half diced chicken.
  4. Cook for a further 1-2 minutes, until the egg is golden underneath, and just set on top. Slide out onto a serving plate, folding it over as you go. Repeat.
  5. Serve the omelette with your favourite salad.


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