
Mangoes with Rum and Ice Cream


Ingredients: 2 ripe mangoes,3 tablespoons sugar,2 tablespoons dark rum,2 tablespoons dark rum,3 tablespoons fresh lime juice (or a mix of lemon and lime),1 tablespoon grated lime rind,Vanilla ice cream

  1. Peel the mangoes and make sure that all green colored flesh is removed.
  2. Remove all the mangoes around the pit and slice the mango into inch thick pieces. Discard the pit.
  3. Combine the sugar, dark rum, grated rind and lemon-lime juice in a bowl and mix well.
  4. Add the mango pieces to it and gently mix.
  5. Chill for a couple of hours.
  6. Serve alone in chilled glasses or over vanilla ice cream.


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