Ingredients: 1⁄3 cup long-grain black rice,1 14-ounce cans light coconut milk,1⁄2 cup brown sugar,1⁄2 cup brown sugar,Pinch of salt,A few cardamon pods, cinnamon sticks or saffron
- Heat the oven to 300F.
- Put the rice in a food processor and pulse a few times to break the grains up a bit and scratch their hulls; dont overdo it, or youll pulverize them. This step is very very important.
- Put all the ingredients in a 2-quart ovenproof pot or Dutch oven. Stir a couple of times and put the pan in the oven, covered. Cook for 30 minutes, then stir.
- Cook for 30 minutes more, and stir again. At this point the milk will have darkened a bit and should be bubbling, and the rice will have begun to swell.
- Cook for 30 minutes more. The milk will be even darker, and the pudding will start to look more like rice than milk. Its almost done.
- Return the mixture to the oven and check every 10 minutes, stirring gently each time you check.
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