
Chavrie Fresh Goat Cheese Souffle


Ingredients: 1 tablespoon Butter to coat the ramekin (soufflé dish),1 tablespoon All purpose flour to coat ramekin (soufflé dish),1 package (5.3oz). Chavrie® goat cheese,2 tablespoons Butter,2 tablespoons All purpose flour,4 ounces Milk,1 tablespoon Parmesan cheese (grated),4 ea. Egg yolks,1 teaspoon Dry mustard,3 ea. Egg whites

  1. Pre heat oven 400 F.
  2. Butter and Flour a 8 oz. souffl ramekin and refrigerate until ready to use.
  3. Melt the butter in a 1 qt. heavy gauge saucepan over medium heat add the flour and cook for 1 minute.
  4. Add milk and simmer on low heat for 3-5 minutes stirring frequently.
  5. Remove the saucepan from the heat and stir in the Chavrie, Parmesan cheese and dry mustard.
  6. Season to taste with salt and white pepper.
  7. Temper in the egg yolks mixing well and transfer the mixture to a stainless steel mixing bowl, cover with plastic wrap, set aside and keep warm.
  8. Whip the egg whites in a mixer to a soft peak.
  9. Gently fold the whipped egg whites into the Chavrie mixture mixing well then repeat with the remaining half of the whipped egg whites.
  10. Transfer into the butter floured ramekin and bake in the preheated oven for 15 20 minutes until the souffl rises and is golden brown.
  11. Serve immediately.


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