
Chicken/sweet Potato Roulade With Goat Cheese Sauce


Ingredients: 4 ounces chicken breast halves, filleted and pounding to ¼-inch thickness,1/2 cup warmed no salt added chicken broth,1 tablespoon fresh basil, chopped,1 tablespoon fresh basil, chopped,2 ounces soft goat cheese,1/4 teaspoon fresh ground pepper,1/2 teaspoon kosher salt,1/2 medium onion, diced,salt and pepper to taste,1 teaspoon smoked Paprika,6 ounces baked sweet potato

  1. Coat a skillet with non-stick spray and saute onion and basil until soft.
  2. Add sweet potato and cook until warmed through.
  3. Transfer to a food processor or blender and process until just blended.
  4. Combine Paprika, salt and pepper in a a small bowl and rub over smooth side of chicken breast halves. Turn over, distribute sweet potato mixture between breasts and roll them tightly.Spray a skillet with non-stick and heat over medium-high heat.
  5. Add chicken with the overlapping side down and cover. Turn regularly, cooking each side about 2 minutes.Meanwhile, whisk together warmed stock, goat cheese and salt and pepper to taste.Plate chicken, top with sauce and serve.


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