
Classic Eggs Benedict


Ingredients: 1 package Knorr Hollandaise Sauce, prepared according to package directions (or see notes in About section for a homemade version),4 Slices Canadian Bacon or ham,2 English Muffins,1/2 teaspoon white vinegar (optional),4 Eggs

  1. Prepare Knorr Hollandaise Sauce according to package instructions.
  2. Brown Canadian Bacon in a frying pan and toast English muffins. While bacon is cooking, poach the eggs.
  3. Fill a medium sized sauce pan half way with water.
  4. Add 1/2 teaspoon of white vinegar (this is optional but the vinegar helps hold the egg together). Bring to a gentle boil and carefully add eggs (1-2 at a time works best). Poach eggs for 2-3 minutes or until yolk has set to your preference.
  5. Remove eggs one at a time with a slotted spoon.
  6. Layer ingredients as follows: English muffin, Canadian Bacon, Eggs, Hollandaise Sauce.


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