
Fig, Goat Cheese and Walnut Salad


Ingredients: 4 fresh figs, sliced,10 teaspoons soft goat cheese,2 tablespoons lemon juice,3 cups torn lettuce or mixed greens, one small head of lettuce,2 tablespoons olive oil,salt and pepper to taste,1 handful (1/2 cup/125 ml) walnuts, roughly chopped into halves or quarters

  1. Rinse, dry (spin or lay on a towel to air-dry) salad greens. Tear into bite-size pieces if necessary.Slice the figs.Roughly chop the walnuts.Take a small spoon and lightly drop small pieces of the goat cheese over the salad.
  2. Drizzle the dressing over the salad. You can mix the olive oil and lemon juice using the measurements above as a guide or just drizzle them over the salad before serving.


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