
Fried Stuffed Wontons with Healthy Dark Chocolate


Ingredients: 1/2 cup Toasted Almonds, chopped (1tbsp reserved for sprinkling),1 Chicken Breast- cooked and shredded,1 Egg,pepper,pepper,salt,vegetable oil,5 Xocai Nuggets, chopped,1 Tbsp Water,12 Wonton Sheets,12 Wonton Sheets

  1. Beat together egg and water.
  2. Combine almonds (all but 1 tbsp), Nuggets, Chicken and salt and the pepper.
  3. Place a small scoop of the filling in the center of each wonton, ans then brush lightly with egg wash. Bring sides together and pinch at the top to seal. Make sure your oil is hot, and drop our wontons in carefully; turn to brown all sides (it does not take long.)
  4. Remove from oil and drain on paper towel.
  5. Sprinkle with leftover chopped almonds.
  6. Serves 6


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