
Juicy pear and apple cake


Ingredients: 250 g pears, peeled and cored,250 g apples, peeled and cored,Juice of 2 lemons,180 g butter at room temperature,4 eggs,100 g Demerara sugar,1 packet vanilla sugar,250 g all-purpose flour,150g dark flour,1 pinch of salt,1 packet baking powder,Grated zest of 1 lemon,100 ml milk,3 Tbs warmed honey,Powdered sugar, for sprinkling,Ground cinnamon, for sprinkling

  1. Cut an apple and a pear into quarters, then into medium thick slices (not quite thin), and soak in lemon juice (from 2 lemons). Set aside.With a hand-held mixer beat the butter for 3-4 minutes until foamy.Alternately add Demerara sugar mixed with vanilla sugar and eggs to the butter, mix to combine after each addition.Alternately add to the butter and eggs mixture all-purpose and dark flour mixed with salt, baking powder and grated lemon zest (of 1 lemon) with milk. After each addition mix to combine.
  2. Spread the dough into the buttered and floured baking form. Press pear and apple slices vertically into the dough, forming very thick rows.
  3. Brush the top with warmed honey and bake in the oven at 180C for about 40 minutes or until done.Cool the cake and sprinkle with a mixture of powdered sugar and cinnamon.
  4. Cut into slices and serve.


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