
Mango Nectarine Salsa


Ingredients: 1 large or 2 small nectarines,1 mango,1 lime,1 bunch cilantro,1 jalapeno,1 red pepper,1 avocado,1/2 teaspoon sea salt,1/2 teaspoon white pepper

  1. Cut the nectarine in half and remove the pit.
  2. Cut into small or medium-sized pieces and place in a medium-sized bowl. Try to make all the other items the same size. If you want a chunky style salsa, use larger pieces. If you want the salsa to be more refined, you can cut things pretty small.
  3. Cut up the mango, holding it over the bowl to capture the juice.
  4. Juice the lime and add to the bowl.
  5. Halve the jalapeno and the red pepper, removing the ribs, stem, and seeds.
  6. Cut up the avocado and add the salt and pepper.
  7. Mix well, making sure the avocado gets coated with juice. You can serve at once or place in the refrigerator for several hours for the flavors to meld.


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