
Meatless Eggs Benedict


Ingredients: 1/4 cup butter,Chives,2 tablespoons cream,3 egg yolks,4 eggs,2 English muffins,Fresh ground pepper,2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice,1/2 teaspoon salt,1 teaspoon vinegar

  1. Bring a shallow pan of water and the vinegar to a boil.To poach the eggs, break each egg into a cup, and slide into the boiling water. By putting it in a cup first, it keeps the eggs neater in the boiling water.Cook for about 2-3 minutes, remove with a slotted spoon and drain on a towel.Toast the English muffins.For the hollandaise sauce, put the egg yolks, lemon juice and salt in a food processor and blend until smooth.Melt the butter in a pan on a very low flame, then add it to the food processor and blend until well mixed.
  2. Place the sauce in a double boiler and simmer for 2-3 minutes, stirring it constantly- so it doesnt start to clump and turn into scrambled eggs. (If you dont have a double boiler- like me- put it in a non-stick pan and make the flame super low. Pay extra attention to constantly stirring it.Stir in the cream and season with pepper.
  3. Place a poached egg on each muffin slice and top with the sauce and chopped fresh chives.


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