
Moroccan Couscous and Chickpea Salad


Ingredients: 1 teaspoon black pepper,15 ounce can of chickpeas (garbanzo beans), rinsed and strained,1/4 teaspoon cayenne,1/4 teaspoon cinnamon,1 1/2 cups couscous,3 chopped green onions or scallions,1/4 teaspoon ground ginger,1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg,1 lemon,Olive oil,1 cup chopped parsley,1 cup shelled and unsalted pistachio nuts,1 small red pepper, diced,Salt to taste,1/2 teaspoon turmeric,1 1/2 cups vegetable broth

  1. Heat broth and a teaspoon of salt and bring to a boil.
  2. Place couscous in a bowl and add broth. Cover bowl to let couscous absorb liquid.After 5 minutes, remove cover and fluff couscous with a fork.In a large bowl, add the chickpeas, pistachios, red peppers, green onions and parsley and mix well.
  3. Add the zest and juice of the lemon and mix again.
  4. Add the spice mixture over the couscous and mix well. Taste, and add salt if needed.
  5. Let the salad marinate for an hour or so before serving.


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