
Pastel Caprese


Ingredients: Beef tomato,1 egg, lightly beaten,Fresh mozzarella,Oil for frying,Pesto,2 cups of plain flour,1/4 teaspoon salt,2 tbsp vegetable oil,1 tbsp vodka,½ cup warm water,1tbsp white wine vinegar

  1. Mix all ingredients in a bowl until it forms an elastic dough
  2. On a floured surface knead the dough hard for a few minutes then let it cool in the fridge
  3. Stretch the dough with a rolling pin and cut into 10 squares (around 5×5)
  4. Place the mozzarella pieces on with a teaspoon of pesto and topped off with a slice of tomato and brush the edges with the egg. Cover with another square of dough and press the sides with a fork to join the two together.
  5. Fry in hot oil until golden in colour


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