
Paul’s Potato Salad


Ingredients: 4 rashers crispy streaky bacon, crumbled,1 rib celery, diced,4 cornichons, diced (I used homemade dill pickles),3 hard boiled eggs, diced,1/2 big lemon’s juice,kosher salt & freshly ground long pepper (regular black pepp,5 tablespoons home-made mayonnaise (or store bought if you are short of time),2 pounds new red potatoes,1/2 big sweet onion, diced,1/2 teaspoon + pinch smoked paprika,1 teaspoon Maggi Seasoning

  1. Peel and halve the potatoes. Throw in a saucepan, and cover by about an inch of water, add about one teaspoon of kosher salt. Bring to a boil then reduce to a simmer for 20 minutes (or until the little guys are fork tender). Now, how firm you want the potatoes is up to you, I like a certain amount of resistance in my potato salad. Too soft and the salad degenerates into some mealy spread. But hey, if you like that…Meanwhile make the dressing.
  2. Put the mayonnaise in a large bowl and mix in the diced celery, onion, bacon, cornichons, hard boiled eggs, Maggi Seasoning, smoked paprika, and the lemon juice. Make sure everything gets evenly distributed and everyone gets to know each other.N.B. – I should add a quick note about the Maggi Seasoning. Maggi Seasoning is an extract of pure vegetable proteins. Made in China, this sauce features a distinctive flavour and aroma, which adds zest and depth to all kinds of food. I discovered it in Alastair Hendys cookbook entitled Home Cook: More Than 180 Recipes for the Food We Love to Eat. In his recipe for his Mums potato salad he noted that it gives the salad a savoury edge, and perfects it. He wasnt lying. If you dont have any Maggi you could substitute equal parts dark soy sauce and Worcestershire sauce, but the stuff is cheap and available everywhere now, Id suggest just getting some.When the potatoes are ready, drain in a colander. While still warm toss with dressing making sure that everything is thoroughly coated. Season with kosher salt and long pepper and finish with a pinch of smoked paprika. Leave in the fridge for a while until all the flavours have had a chance to marry.


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