
Peppermint White Chocolate Fudge


Ingredients: 2 cups white chocolate chips,1 Container vanilla frosting (12 ounce),Red food coloring,1/2 tsp peppermint flavoring,1 handful of peppermint flavored candies, crushed

  1. Line an 8X8 pan with plastic wrap or wax paper
  2. In a large bowl, melt white chocolate chips by microwaving 30 seconds at a time, stirring between sessions.
  3. Add the container of vanilla frosting
  4. Stir well
  5. Add Peppermint flavoring and stir well
  6. Reheat for 10 seconds if needed, so the mixture is still soft enough to pour
  7. Pour mixture into lined pan
  8. Place 6-8 drops of red food coloring on the top of the warm fudge
  9. With a toothpick or knife, swirl the color into the top of the fudge
  10. Sprinkle crushed candies over the top of the fudge
  11. Cool in fridge until hard
  12. Cut and enjoy!


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