
Popcorn Ice Cream


Ingredients: 300ml full cream milk,300ml thickened cream,200g caster sugar,1 tsp vanilla extract,1 large egg,200g buttered popcorn + extra to serve

  1. Heat the milk, cream, 100g sugar and popcorn on medium heat till it starts to simmer.
  2. Remove and let the popcorn sit and infuse into the warm milk for 30 minutes to 1 hour.
  3. Strain the mixture into a large bowl, pressing down hard on the popcorn to extract all the liquid and flavour (it is strong now, but will lessen as it goes through the churning and freezing process)
  4. Meanwhile, whisk the egg, remaining sugar and vanilla extract until light and fluffy.
  5. While whisking, pour the cream mixture into the egg mixture, then pour the whole mixture back into a clean saucepan (the day I can take a photo of this will be a milestone or actually a kilometre stone)
  6. Over medium low heat, keep stirring the custard until it thickens to coat the back of a spoon (roughly 6-7 minutes)
  7. Pour into a steel bowl and let cool for 10 minutes.
  8. Place cling wrap over the top, so it touches the surface of the custard (to avoid a skin forming) and refrigerate for 3 hours to overnight.
  9. Remove from fridge and churn the ice cream according to the ice cream manufacturers instructions.
  10. Serve with more buttered popcorn on top and a sprinkling of sea salt


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