
Summer Berry Pudding


Ingredients: Stale white bread, crusts removed,2 punnets each raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, bluebe,100 grams cherries, pitted,50 grams castor sugar,125 ml water or pomegranate juice

  1. Reserve a few berries to decorate the finished pudding.
  2. Hull and slice the strawberries.
  3. Place in a frypan with the other berries and cherries, sprinkle with castor sugar and add the water or pomegranate juice.
  4. Simmer for about three minutes to release the juices, stirring gently once or twice.
  5. Place a sieve over a bowl and tip the fruit in. Allow to drain for 10 minutes, keeping the juice.
  6. Meanwhile line a 1.5 litre capacity bowl with plastic wrap.
  7. Cut a circle out of the bread to fit the bottom of the bowl.
  8. Cut slightly tapered shapes to line the bowl and triangles for the top.
  9. Dip one side of the bottom circle of bread quickly into the juice and place, juice side down, into the bowl.
  10. Do the same with the bread for the sides, dipping them in the juice then overlapping them by a couple of centimetres.
  11. Spoon in the fruit.
  12. Arrange the triangles of bread on top, again overlapping the pieces.
  13. Gently pour over the remaining juices.
  14. Cover the top with more plastic wrap and then place the bowl in a shallow dish to catch any juices.
  15. Choose a flat plate that fits the top of the bowl.
  16. Place it on top and weigh down with something heavy. Refrigerate for a few hours or overnight.
  17. To serve, collect any juices.
  18. Remove the plastic from the top and turn the pudding out onto a serving plate.
  19. Pour over any remaining juice.
  20. Decorate with the reserved fruit and serve with sweetened whipped cream.


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