
Banana in brown sugar ice cream


Ingredients: 600g very ripe bananas (6-7 medium), peeled and cut into 1 cm slices,1 tsp dark rum,1 tsp dark rum,500 ml coconut milk or full-fat sour cream,Lemon juice, optional,135g light or brown sugar,135g light or brown sugar,Big pinch of sea salt,1 tablespoon vanilla extract

  1. In a wide skillet or saucepan, heat the brown sugar with one-quarter of the coconut milk or sour cream, stirring, until smooth and bubbly.
  2. Add the bananas and salt, and continue to cook for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the bananas are soft and completely cooked through.
  3. Remove from heat and stir in the remaining coconut milk or sour cream, rum and vanilla. If it tastes too sweet, add a few drops of fresh lemon juice.Puree in a blender or food processor until completely smooth.Chill thoroughly for 1 hour or overnight, then pour into the ice cream maker and proceed according to the manufacturers instructions.Before serving, take it out for 5-10 minutes before serving, or longer, so it comes to the right scooping temperature
  4. Light note: if you use sour cream, when cooking the bananas, the mixture might curdle a bit. Nothing to worry, just proceed with the recipe and itll smooth out when blended.Easy suggestion: ice cream is best served in chilled glass or porcelain bowls. Scoop it with a hot, but dry, ice-cream spoon (soak it in boiling water, then wipe dry).


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