
Thai Coconut Beetroot Soup


Ingredients: 500g beetroot,Black pepper,400ml coconut milk,Lemon juice to taste,1 onion finely chopped,Salt,1-3 tsp Thai red curry paste,2 tablespoons vegetable oil,300ml vegetable stock

  1. Remove the leafy parts of the beetroot. Do not trim the roots so that it does not bleed
  2. Add the beetroot to a pot, cover with plenty of water, bring to the boil and then simmer until tender (between 45-60 mins depending on its size).
  3. Drain the beetroot and when pieces are cool down peel and chop them.
  4. Add the oil to a saucepan and fry the onion for about 7 mins until soft.
  5. Add in the beetroot and curry paste and cook for a few mins.Stir in the coconut milk and stock, season with salt and pepper and bring to the boil then reduce to a simmer for about 5 mins.
  6. Let the soup cool and whizz with a hand held blender or in a food processor.
  7. Add lemon juice to you taste and adjust season and serve.


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