
Black Bean Garlic Shrimp Scramble


Ingredients: 12 pieces Large Raw Shrimp, peeled,4 Large Eggs,1/2 cup Frozen Peas & Carrots, thawed in microwave,pieces Sliced Mushrooms,pieces Sliced Mushrooms,2 tablespoons Black Bean Garlic Sauce,1 wedge Lime, cut into 4,2 tablespoons Canola Oil,1 tablespoon Pure Sesame Oil,2 tablespoons Fried Garlic

  1. In a large bowl, whisk the eggs then mix in the shrimp, peas & carrots and mushrooms.
  2. In a medium-heated large skillet, add the canola oil and stir in the egg mixture. Use a spatula to scramble the eggs for about 4-5 minutes or until the eggs and shrimp are fully cooked. Do not overcook! Halfway through, stir in the black bean garlic sauce until evenly incorporated. Turn off heat and drizzle in the sesame oil.
  3. Seve on a bowl of hot jasmine rice, give it a good squeeze of lime juice and garnish with fried garlic and a lime wedge.


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