
Caramelized cranberries coconut pancakes


Ingredients: 2 tsp baking powder,1 tablespoon brown sugar,1 tablespoon brown sugar,1 cup coconut flour,2 cups coconut milk,1 cup fresh cranberries,4 eggs,1/2 teaspoon salt,1 tsp vanilla extract,1 cup whole wheat flour

  1. Heat a nonstick sauce pan over medium flame.
  2. Add cranberries, brown sugar and vanilla extract to the pan.
  3. Mix, cover and cook for 4-5 minutes till the cranberries are soft and mash it with a spoon.Turn off the flame and let it cool for a while.In a mixing bowl combine all the dry ingredients.In another bowl whip the eggs and mix in the milk.
  4. Add the cranberries mix to the egg and milk. Beat thoroughly.
  5. Pour the liquid ingredients to the dry ingredients and mix well.
  6. Let it stand for 2 minutes.In the meantime heat the griddle or fry pan over medium flame and grease it with cooking spray or oil of your choice.
  7. Pour a spoonful of the batter into the pan and shape it round.
  8. Let it cook for 2 minutes or until golden brown. The pancake would rise a bit. Flip to the other side and cook again for 2 minutes or until golden brown. Repeat the same process for all the pancakes.
  9. Drizzle sweetener of your choice and top it with cream if desired and serve warm.


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