
Rhubarby Crumble


Ingredients: 150g butter,3 Tbsp cacao powder,160g flour,3 stalks rhubarb,300g frozen strawberries,120g sugar

  1. Cut the rhubarb into thumb-sized pieces and cook with 50g of the sugar on low heat for about 10 minutes.
  2. Mix the butter, flour, cacao powder and rest of the sugar in a large bowl to make the chocolate crumbles.
  3. Put the frozen strawberries (unthawed) in a baking dish and put the slightly cooked rhubarb on top of it. Do not add too much of the liquid from the rhubarb.
  4. Put the crumbles on top of the rhubarb strawberry mix.Pre-heat the oven to 180°C and bake the crumble for 10 minutes.
  5. Add another 5 minutes with 220°C upper heat to make the crumbles crispy.Devour the crumble while still warm.


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