
Cherry Clafouti


Ingredients: 1/4 c all purpose flour,1/2 tsp almond extract,1 c fresh black cherries, pitted (or unpitted if you prefer),1/2 tbsp brown sugar,1/2 tbsp brown sugar,1 egg,1 egg yolk,Powdered sugar,pinch of salt,1 tbsp slivered almonds,1/2 cup sugar,3/4 tsp vanilla extract,1/2 c whole milk

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Butter a medium size oven proof casserole or skillet and toss in almonds and cherries.
  2. Whisk together eggs, sugar and brown sugar, salt and flour; mix together. Slowly whisk in the milk, almond and vanilla flavoring until you have a smooth custard-like batter and pour over the cherries into the baking dish.
  3. Bake for 45 mins to an hour until the Clafoutis is lightly browned (you can test the doneness with a toothpick in the center it is done if it comes out clean).
  4. Let cool to room temperature, then dust with powdered sugar and slice into wedges (or rectangular slices if made in a square or rectangular baking dish).
  5. Serve with freshly whipped cream or vanilla ice cream.


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