
Cucumber Vinegar Salad


Ingredients: 6 smalls cucumbers,1 small white onion,1 cup white vinegar,2 cups water*,1 tablespoon olive oil,1/4 cup sugar,1/2 teaspoon sea salt,1/2 teaspoon black pepper

  1. Thinly slice the cucumbers into rounds and place in a 7 or 8 cup container.
  2. Cut the onion into quarter round slices, keeping the pieces about 1/4″ thick.
  3. Pour vinegar over cucumbers.
  4. Add as much water as you need to submerge the cucumbers.
  5. Add sugar, salt and pepper, stirring to combine.
  6. Refrigerate until ready to eat, preferrably overnight. This gives the cucumbers a chance to marinate and the flavors to blend.
  7. The vinegar/water ratio is based on our love for vinegar. It was strong, so if you're not a huge fan of vinegar, use less and add more water. You can also add more sugar to take away some of the sting.


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