
Dairy Free Chicken Salad


Ingredients: 2 tablespoons Olive Oil,1 1/2 pounds Boneless, Skinless Chicken Tenderloins,1/4 teaspoon Pepper,1/4 teaspoon Salt,1/2 teaspoon Paprika,3 whole Eggs, Boiled,1/2 cup Chopped Dill Pickles,1/2 cup Veganaise,1 tablespoon Lemon Juice,1/4 teaspoon Seasoned Salt, To Taste

  1. Thaw the chicken if needed. Then, add the olive oil to a large skillet and bring to medium heat.
  2. Add the chicken to the skillet and season with paprika, salt, and pepper. Turn every few minutes and cook until chicken is cooked through and juices run clear.
  3. Remove the chicken and place on a large cutting board. Using 2 forks, shred the chicken and place in a large bowl.
  4. If you havent already, boil the eggs. Want to know the perfect method for boiling eggs??? Just cover the eggs with cold water in a large pot. Then place pot over medium-high heat. As soon as it starts boiling set your timer for 7 minutes. Done!
  5. Peel and chop up your eggs, then place them in the bowl with your shredded chicken.
  6. Now chop up your dill pickles and throw them in the bowl as well.
  7. Add the Veganaise, lemon juice, and seasoned salt. Toss to combine.
  8. Serve with your favorite bread.


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