
Delicious Egg Custard


Ingredients: 1 cup of sugar,1 cup of whole milk,2 cups of heavy cream,Zest of 1 lemon,1 tsp. vanilla,5 egg yolks

  1. In a saucepan over medium heat combine the whole milk with the cup of sugar and one cup of the heavy cream. Stir until little bubbles form and the sugar has combined with the milk to be smooth.
  2. Remove from the heat and zest either the lemon into the mixture along with the teaspoon of vanilla.
  3. Whisk together the egg yolks with the remaining cup of heavy cream.
  4. Heat the milk and sugar mixture and pour in the egg and heavy cream mixture, whisking as you do this. Continue to whisk over medium heat until it thickens to a desirable creamy custard..
  5. Place in custard cups and refrigerate.


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