
Fresh Herb Omelette


Ingredients: 2 eggs,1/4 teaspoon black pepper,1/8 cup green onion, chopped,4 cherry tomatoes,1 sprig of fresh basil, chopped,1 sprig of fresh basil, chopped,1/8 cup parmesan cheese, shredded,olive oil

  1. Stir your eggs together in a bowl with the pepper making sure to break the yolks.
  2. Heat a pan to medium-high and pour enough olive oil to cover the bottom of the pan.
  3. Pour your egg into the pan. Cook for 1-2 minutes or until the egg stops bubbling and begins to solidify.
  4. Flip the egg over and heat the other side until it is cooked through.
  5. Place on your plate.
  6. Add your toppings and enjoy!


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