
Mixed Bean Vegetarian Enchilada


Ingredients: 1 teaspoon olive oil,2 onions, chopped,280 grams carrots, grated,3 teaspoons chilli powder (mild or hot, according to your taste),2 grams x 400 cans chopped tomatoes,2 grams x 400 cans pulses in water, drained,6 smalls wholemeal tortillas,200 grams low-fat natural yogurt,50 grams extra-mature cheddar cheese (or veg alternative), finely grated

  1. Heat the oil in a large frying pan. Cook the onions and carrots for 5-8 mins until soft – add a splash of water if they start to stick.
  2. Sprinkle in the chilli powder and cook for 1 min more.
  3. Pour in the tomatoes and pulses and bring to the boil. Turn down the heat and simmer for 5-10 mins, stirring occasionally, until thickened.
  4. Remove from the heat and season well.
  5. Heat grill to high.
  6. Spread a spoonful of the bean chilli over a large ovenproof dish.
  7. Lay each tortilla onto a board, fill with a few tbsp of chilli mixture, fold over the ends and roll up to seal.
  8. Place them into the ovenproof dish. Spoon the remaining chilli on top.
  9. Mix the yogurt and grated cheese together with some seasoning, and spoon over the enchiladas. Grill for a few mins until the top is golden and bubbling.
  10. Serve with a green salad.


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