
Ridiculously Easy Naan


Ingredients: 1 teaspoon baking powder,1/2 teaspoon baking soda,2 teaspoons canola oil (if use a strong flavored oil it will change the taste of the bread),3/4 cup milk,1 teaspoon salt,2 cups cups flour (you can use 1 whole wheat and 1 cup white…I find that bread flour works best)

  1. Put the dry ingredients in a mixing bowl and stir.
  2. Mix the wet ingredients, warm the liquid either in the microwave (about 40 seconds) or on the stovetop you want the temperature to be that of a hot bath.Slowly incorporate the liquid into the dry ingredients while stirring.When you can stir no more, start to knead the dough with your hands. I just knead it right in the bowl. Stop kneading as soon as the dough comes together and is soft and not too stickydo not over knead! Try to knead it no more than 10 times if that helps.Form a ball, place it in the center of the mixing bowl, cover with plastic wrap and let the dough rest in a warm spot for 20 minutes.After 20 minutes the dough wont really look any different, dont worry about it. Divide the dough into 8 sections and roll into balls.Re-cover the balls with the plastic wrap and let them rest for 10 minutes.On a floured surface roll the balls out, either in a round or oval shape. Meanwhile heat an iron skillet (or just plain skillet if thats all you have) on medium-high heat.Whack the rolled out dough onto the hot skillet and cover with a lid. In less than the time you can roll out another ball the first side will be done, check the bread, when its nice and bubbly on the raw side flip it over and cook for a few more seconds.Thats it, get it out of the pan and put it on a plate or in your mouth or whatever! yum!


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