
Spicy Carrot Amaranth Soup


Ingredients: 2 tbsp. olive oil,1 cinnamon stick,4 sage leaves, chopped,1 clove garlic, minced,¾ cup onions, chopped,2 cups baby carrots,2 cups unsalted vegetable broth,½ tsp cayenne pepper,1 cup amaranth (cooked),1 tsp salt,½ cups unsweetened coconut milk,1 tbsp. hemp seeds

  1. Heat oil in a nonstick sauce pan and add cinnamon stick. Immediately, add sage leaves and garlic and saut for few seconds.
  2. Add chopped onions and saut until translucent.
  3. Add baby carrots and mix well.
  4. Add vegetable broth and cayenne pepper.
  5. Mix and cover. Cook until it is properly boiled and the carrots are semi soft.
  6. Turn off the flame and let it cool until it is ready to be put into the blender.
  7. Remove the cinnamon stick from the soup and blend until smooth.
  8. Strain and again put the soup in the sauce pan and turn on the flame.
  9. At the first boil add cooked amaranth and salt.
  10. Mix well.
  11. Add coconut milk.
  12. Mix well and turn off the flame.
  13. Garnish with hemp seeds and serve hot.


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