
Turkey Enchiladas


Ingredients: 1 pound leftover turkey, both brown & white meat, sliced,2 tablespoons Olive Oil,1 Onion, peeled and chopped,1 Celery stick, halved and sliced,1 Red Pepper, sliced,3 Garlic cloves, peeled and sliced,1 tomato, chopped,2 tablespoons Tomato Purée,1/2 cup Turkey stock,1 teaspoon Ground cumin,1 teaspoon Ground coriander,1/2 teaspoon Chilli seeds,1/2 teaspoon Coco powder,Salt & Pepper to taste,5 ounces grated cheese, such as Monterey Jack or cheddar,8 Corn Tortillas (If your not making your own the I recommend Old El Paso),8 Corn Tortillas (If your not making your own the I recommend Old El Paso)

  1. Preheat the oven to (180C) gas mark
  2. In a heavy based pan soften the onions and celery in the olive oil.
  3. Add the red pepper, garlic, tomatoes, 1 tbsp of tomato pure and the stock, then bring to a simmer.
  4. Add the spices and taste for seasoning.
  5. Add extra chilli if you're feeling brave, and to help ward off a winter cold.
  6. Simmer to let the flavours develop for about 10 minutes.
  7. Next, drain most of the liquid from the pan.
  8. Put the thicker of the two sauces (filling sauce) back in the pan and add the turkey and 1/2 of the cheese. Stir in well.
  9. Spoon the filling onto the middle of each corn tortilla and wrap, then place them folded side down into a lightly greased baking dish.
  10. Stir in 1 tbsp of tomatoes pure to the topping sauce and pour over the dish then sprinkle with the remaining cheese.
  11. Bake for 15 minutes or until the cheese is browning and the sauce is bubbling.


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