
Fresh Cherry Tomato Salad With Red Onions, Avocado and Pimentón


Ingredients: 1 avocado,8 grape or cherry tomatoes cut in half,3 tablespoons (30 ml) extra virgin olive oil,2 cloves garlic minced,1 teaspoon (5 g) smoked Spanish pimentón (paprika),thinly sliced red onion (how much is up to you),1 tablespoon (15 ml) Vinagre de Jerez (sherry wine salt and pepper to taste

  1. In a saucepan, heat the oil and add the pimentn.
  2. Saute for 30 seconds or so, add garlic and saute another 30 seconds.
  3. Remove from heat.Slice all the cherry tomatoes in half and then pour the olive oil/pimentn/garlic mixture over the top of the tomatoes. Allow to sit for at least 30 minutes (up to several hours).
  4. Add Vinagre de Jerez, salt and pepper to tomatoes. Arrange on a platter with onions and avocado.


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